Friday, 9 December 2016

Production Updates

On Monday 5th December, I changed things around in my music video. I felt that the video itself did not have much of a variation of different shots and locations, so, I decided that I would add some more of the underpass scenes in which gave my actor more of a persona. In addition, I will be filming some narrative shots on Monday 12th December to give my character and video more depth and keep the video interesting and fast paced throughout. I will be using some additional actors and I am thinking of filming by the underpass again or possibly the skatepark because there is graffiti there which adds to the rough look that I am going for. However, I will need to inform them of exactly what I want them to do because daylight is limited, so I need to film the footage as quickly as possible.

Monday, 28 November 2016

All pictures from photoshoot

These are all of the pictures that I took of Sam. As you can see a lot of them (especially at the start) didn't turn out very well but they get progressively better and I think they show quite a lot of creativity with the backgrounds and the gauzes that I put over the lights to create a coloured effect.

Vlog of my 3rd day filming

Digipak panel construction

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Smoke grenades

A central aspect of my video will be the use of smoke grenades. I have bought three so that my character can use them in the woods to make the shots more visually interesting. I decided to go with the brand Enola Gaye because they seemed the most trustworthy brand I could find for a reasonable price. I got them in the colour blue because it is very vibrant and will not alarm people like red which connotes danger.

Filming day 2

My second filming day turned out reasonably, I got a lot of shots for my digipak and poster which turned out incredibly well! However, The filming did not look as good when I played it back than I thought I would. There was some noise in a few shots and the camera wasn't in focus all the time. However, I used a spotlight for some shots and they turned out super well.

Editing Software

For my editing, I will be using Final Cut Pro X which is a professional editing software. I decided to use this because it is so much more advanced than iMovie and will create an overall more professional feel to my music video. There are so many filters and effects I can use to make my video more interesting which will result in more marks because my editing is more advanced than those using a free editing software. Something I really want to explore are overlays, which is something that you cannot do in iMovie, which really increases the visual aspect of my video.

Filming devices

For my filming, I am using a Nikon D3300 DSLR camera. I chose this one because it is very good quality and a fair price for a DSLR considering I will not be using it much after this project.

Below is a picture that I took with this camera, which shows that it is of very good quality and will be paramount in my digipak and poster construction (however, this site has reduced its quality slightly


For my outdoor shooting, I bought a light to ensure that my video stays high quality in the dark. This will reduce the amount of 'noise' that will be in the video and also gives my good possibilities for manipulating shadows.

Here is a picture of the light itself- it is very small and light which means that it is very portable so I can easily carry it around and hold it whilst I am filming.  Secondly, There is a before and after photo of half of my bed being lit up by the light. The light clearly is able to reveal that true colour of my bed and wall, whereas the photo before makes everything the same sort of colour and there is more noise in the picture. showing that the light really is crucial in filming in dimly lit places.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

First Filming Day

My first day of filming was quite difficult as I found it hard to operate my light whilst I was filming which led to quite a few out of focus and poorly thought out shots. This means that I will have to re-film a lot of these shots to get the professional look I want to achieve. Additionally, I found like I did not get enough non lip syncing shots so I have found it hard to edit together a small piece from my footage

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Feedback on Pitch/Initial Ideas

From pitching to the class, I have realised that a knife is no appropriate to use in my video, because it is a weapon, there fore, I will have to place more emphasis on using a baseball bat instead because it is more of an everyday item. Additionally, I must do a risk assessment for the smoke grenades as they could pose a hazard to my actor and those around him. I should also bring a responsible adult with me in case anything bad happens- possibly my mum because she is a nurse and would be able to deal with any injuries.

This was the powerpoint of my pitch:

Creating a Brand Logo

Other band's logos:

My Logo Ideas: